This Week at DSA 8/31

This Week at DSA

HighLeit and ProArte’ parent meeting – Cafeteria  6:15 pm: Mr. Funderburk will discuss trips and fundraising for the year

SPA 2:30
Deadline for 8th and 9th grade students to pay for PSAT  $15.00
Deadline for student drivers to pay 1st semester fee  $20.00
Drama Ensemble’s Komedy Kombat  7 pm, DSA Theater – All tickets $5.00

9/7        Labor Day – Schools and Offices Closed
9/8        Return to School – Day One (Odd)
9/14      PTSA Meetings and DSA Curriculum Overview Night
9/15      Issue 4.5 Week progress reports
9/16      Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences  4-6 pm(look for updated sign-up information in the coming weeks).


Packages or delivery for students will be given to students during non-instructional times.
Latest time to check out student is 2:30. Please plan accordingly.

DSA ACT Scores!

DSA’s Class of 2015 posted tremendous ACT scores showing a 1.7 gain in the total composite score from 2014 (23.1 to 24.8). The ACT is a subject/content oriented test which usually indicates a student’s readiness for college level work. We are very proud of this gain through the dedication of students and exceptional teaching talent in all areas which students are exposed to throughout their DSA career.

Updates and Reminders:
PSAT:  The test is October 14. Tests are paid for students in grades 10 and 11 through state and local funding. Seniors have a college visit day on October 14.

Lunch program: Families needing to reapply or apply for the first time for free/reduced lunch program need to do so by September 4. It may take up to 10 business days to process and confirm eligibility. Applications are available in the DSA front office or families may apply on-line here.

After-school pick-up: Thanks to parents for working with us on the new after school supervision plan. Our goal is a safe and secure campus for students during the day and after school. Your continued support in picking students up in a timely manner at dismissal or at designated times from rehearsals is greatly appreciated. After school activities schedule and policies for 2015-16 available here.

Attendance Policy: Click here for information.

Infinite Campus: If parents or students need assistance with logging in to the Infinite Campus portal, please contact Ms. Crittle in the main office.