This week at DSA
3/19-22 Spring Musical: In the Heights*
3/22 Grades 8-11: Magnet intent return forms due
3/26-29 Spring Musical: In the Heights*
4/6-10 Spring Break
Due to DSA staff schedules, offices will be closed.
Visit DSA website for show times and reservations details. Reservations HIGHLY recommended as most shows will sell out.
Updates and Reminders
Students MUST return AP Exam form and accompanying payment (as needed). Exams will not be ordered unless form and appropriate payment is made.
On Friday, March 13, progress reports were sent home with students. Included were Production Credit Reports, and for students in grades 8-11, magnet intent forms. These forms are due by March 20 and assist school choice programs in planning for next year with new student openings.
Please be advised that some DSA staff emails in Office 365 are experiencing “bounce back” issues. The district is providing assistance in resolving any issues. If you are experiencing this with any staff communications, please let the administration know.
PTSA Executive Board needs YOU! Or someone like you…
Nominations for 2015-2016 Executive Board are now open.
Open positions include:
- President
- Vice-President
- Secretary
Interested in serving?? Please email any member of the nominating committee today!
Congratulations to the DSA Dance Department Students
Congratulations to the DSA Dance Department Students on the Scholarships and Awards received at 11th Regional High School Dance Festival, held in Norfolk, Virginia, March 5th – 8th, 2015!
- DSA Dance Department Director: Dean Williams
- Best Student Choreographer: Danielle Swatzie
- Long Island University, Brooklyn (LIU Brooklyn): Rachelle Clarke, Danielle Marshall, Danielle Swatzie
- Santa Fee University: Danielle Marshall
- Hollins University: Lauren Erwin, Zenia Mason, Kennedy Poyser-Lee
2015 Summer Intensives Tuition Awards
- Lauren Erwin – Johnson C. Smith University
- Zenia Mason, Danielle Marshall – Point Park University
- Courtney Pilgreen – Joffrey Ballet
Spring Musical Help Needed this Week
We are in the final push before Thursday’s opening.
There’s general work (paint, prop construction, set dressing) as well as carpentry jobs.
If you have flexibility in your daytime schedule, we’re working.
Monday 3/16 – Wednesday 3/17
10 am to 4:00 pm
7:00 pm – 10 pm work session
Thursday 3/18
10 am – 4:00 pm
Call Mongo 404.918.2650 if you have questions
DCSD information
Keep up-to-date with the superintendent search by checkout out the superintendent search information page.
College Corner
For all college related information please see Dr. Crosslin’s edmodo site.