This Week at DSA, January 12, 2015

This week at DSA

1/12 PTSA General Meeting 7pm Theater
1/13 2015-2016 DSA Application Information Session 6 pm Cafeteria
1/16 Arts Major/Minor Meetings*
Winter Dance Concert 8 pm
1/17 2015-2016 DSA Application Information Session 10 am Theater
Winter Dance Concert 2 pm & 8 pm
1/18 Winter Dance Concert 2 pm

Make your reservations early for Dance Concert! Call 678-676-2552 or email


1/19 Martin Luther King, Jr., Holiday – Schools and Offices Closed
1/20 2015/16 DSA Application Info Session 6pm, Theater
1/24 2015/16 DSA Application Info Session 10am, Theater
1/27 2015/16 DSA Application Info Session 6pm, Theater
2/9 2015-2016 Application Deadline 2pm

Updates and Reminders

Donations of Kleenex tissue and hand sanitizer would be greatly appreciated!!!

Student tardy/check-ins: When a student returns after an absence, please make sure to have a note ready for the front office in order for the absence to be marked excused. Absences of 4 days or longer will require a doctor’s note.If checking a student in to school after a doctor/dental appointment, present the note from their office in order for the tardy to be marked excused.

Drop-off Items: As a reminder, in order to protect instructional time, students will be called to the office to retrieve “drop off” items at specific times during the day.

Email communications: District emails have migrated to Outlook 360 platform. Visit the DSA website for an updated listing of staff emails. We apologize in advance if something gets “lost in the mail” right now. If you are unsure if an email has been received, please resend after a day or two. Staff will respond to emails within 48 business hours.

ELPC Jan Meeting: Legislative Update

January 21, 2015

Evansdale Elementary
2914 Evans Woods Drive, Doraville, GA 30340
Join us at 9:00 am (refreshments @ 8:45am)
We are starting our meeting early to accommodate our guest’s schedules

Happy New Year to our ELPC Members!
As always, we are starting our year off with the timely and interesting LEGISLATIVE UPDATE, where we welcome our state legislators to inform us on the key issues in this year’s legislative session. Be prepared to hear about educational issues at the state and local level and how they will affect you!

Speakers include:
State Senator Fran Millar (R-Dunwoody)
State Representative Scott Holcomb (D District 81)
(We will update as confirmations are made.)

Dance: Jan 16, 17 & 18

Volunteer for the Dance department’s ballet, Firebird here.

DCSD happenings

Stay current with progress on the superintendent search with the DCSD superintendent search information page.

Superintendent Michael Thurmond’s presentation on the Druid Hills annexation issue here.

The 2015-2016 DSA Application is now available on the DSA web-site. If you know interested families, please direct them to the new application. Application deadline is February 2, 2 pm.

College Corner

For all college related information please see Dr. Crosslin’s edmodo site.