This week at DSA
12/8-12/11 Spring Musical and Black History Tour Show Auditions
12/12 Thespian Fundraiser – Comedy Combat, 7pm – Theater Admission $5.00
12/13 DSA Zumba-Thon
Registration 9:15; Zumba 10-12
For admission please bring New unwrapped toys, scarves, gloves, etc.
12/16-19 Finals: We test until the end of the day on December 19. No early check outs. Please plan accordingly.
12/16 Periods 1 & 5
12/17 Periods 2 & 6
12/18 Periods 3 & 7
12/19 Periods 4 & 8
12/22-1/4 DCSD Schools and Offices Closed – Happy Holidays!
1/5/15 Staff Returns – Work day
1/6/15 Student Return – Day 1
1/8/15 1st Semester report cards issued
Finals Week: During the last week of the semester, no after school activities will be sponsored. All students should be picked-up or off campus by 4 pm.
Students needing a Certificate of Attendance for driver’s licenses or permits, should request the COA by December 17.
Teachers are checking student textbooks during this time of the semester. If a book is damaged or lost, it must be found or paid for before report card is released.
As students go into finals, please monitor their activities. Get plenty of sleep, eat regular meals throughout the day, and take the occasional moment to “just breath.”
Thanks to the PTSA and wonderful parent volunteers this first semester. Not a single show or major event would happen without the coordinated efforts of our staff, students, and families. You dedication and support of DSA is “priceless.” If you haven’t had an opportunity to work with us this year, just wait…plenty more opportunities for parental involvement coming with 2nd semester!
Dance Concert January 16th, 17th and 18th – 2015
The Dance Department is looking for volunteers (Dance Parents and Non-Dance Parents) to assist in the following areas for the Ballet production, Firebird.
1. Costume – 3 people to work with Dean William and ballet teachers (Ms. Dunn and Ms. Harris) on costumes for different scenes
2. Parents to help with sewing (buttons, hemming, fitting) and other small alterations needed to be done.
Experience with costuming would be helpful but is not necessary and we would like to start as early as Monday.
Please contact Dean Williams in the office on Monday, Wednesday or Friday or Pauline Marshall ( Parent Co-chair) at or 404-428-2973.
The Cha-Cha for Charity ZUMBATHON In the DeKalb School of the Arts Gymnasium
1192 Clarendon Ave,
Avondale Estates, GA 30032
Saturday, December 13, 2014
10:00am -12:00pm, Registration starts at 9:15
The price of admission is simple, bring at least one (more than one is greatly welcomed!) of the items listed below per person, to be donated to the underprivileged….
- Unwrapped toy (new)
- Hats (new)
- Mittens (new)
- Scarves (new)
- Blankets (new or gently used)
- Towels (new)
- Gloves (new)
- Coats (new or gently used)
Students, friends, parents, family, all are welcome!
Dress in Holiday colors and join our group photo.
Drinks and Snacks will be available for purchase at DSA’s junior snack stand.
A big thank you to our sponsors for making this all possible:
DeKalb School of the Arts Student Government Association, Free Style Fitness and Nutrition, DeKalb County School Schools Department of Public Safety
For more information contact: Officer Sherrie Gilbert (404) 392-1079
DSA Announcements
9th grade families: Sessions with Dr. Crosslin in December 10, 8th grade families will meet in January.
Just a reminder that no checkout allowed after 2:45 pm. Please plan accordingly.
The 2015-2016 DSA Application is now available on the DSA web-site. If you know interested families, please direct them to the new application.
DSA’s History Club is sponsoring a drive to collect slightly used or new shoes for poverty stricken regions of the world — school-wide goal of 350 pairs of shoes by December 15th. Soles4Souls is a global not-for-profit institution dedicated to fighting the devastating impact and perpetuation of poverty.
Don’t forget to submit your volunteer hours using the online form.
College Corner
For all college related information please see Dr. Crosslin’s edmodo site.