This Week at DSA, November 10, 2014

PTSA Meeting – Calling all PTSA Committee Chairs! Don’t forget about the Board of Directors meeting this Monday, Nov 10, 5:30pm in room 306.

DSA Families, Please join us for the PTSA General Meeting on Monday at 7pm in the Kyle Theatre. This year’s Reflections winning entries will be displayed. Please click here to review minutes from the September meeting prior to Monday’s meeting.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

This week at DSA

11/10 PTSA Board of Directors Meeting 5:30 Room 306
PTSA General Meeting 7:00 pm Theater
PTSA Reflections Winners Announced
11/10-13 Tech Week for Dark Night
11/11 13.5 Progress Reports Issued
11/12 Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences 4-6 pm ( new protocol)
11/14 Creative Writing Dark Night 8pm
11/15 Creative Writing Dark Night 2pm & 8pm
11/16 Creative Writing Dark Night 2pm

Reservations highly recommended for all performances. Call 678.676.2552 or email. Tickets: $12 Adult, $6 Student, $4 DSA Student, cash or check.


11/24-28 Thanksgiving Break for teachers and students

Teacher Conferences

Your help needed for upcoming Teacher/Staff Conference Night Dinner on Nov. 12, please sign-up here.

New Teacher Conference Protocol:

  1. Parents/students may sign-up for available slots in upper lobby between 3:20 and 3:55.
  2. Parents will wait in upper lobby until 3:55. Staff will be available at 4:00 pm.
  3. Conference schedules will be redistributed to teachers at 3:55.
  4. If a family is not able to see a particular teacher, please leave your contact information for the teacher.
  5. Conference times slots will still be 10 minutes.

Dark Night Help

Please sign-up to help with Dark Night November 14, 15 and 16. Help needed includes concessions, box office, spiritwear and parking lot monitors.

Upcoming ELPC Meeting


A Parent’s Guide to the Georgia Milestones
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Henderson Middle School
2830 Henderson Mill Rd, Tucker, GA 30341
Meeting starts at 9:15am (refreshments at 8:45am)

Now that the CRCT has been retired, our children will be taking the new Georgia Milestones Assessment (GMA). Did you know…?

  • The GMA is a new test and not a reinvention of the CRCT.
  • The GMA will replace the CRCT, EOCT and Writing Assessment beginning with the 2014-2015 school year.
  • The 3rd ,5th , and 8th grade Writing Assessment and the CRCT-M will no longer be administered.
  • There will be norm-referenced items on the GMA at every grade level and content area to provide a national comparison.

DSA Announcements

The 2015-2016 DSA Application is now available on the DSA web-site. If you know interested families, please direct them to the new application.

Did you know DSA has a Facebook page? Like and share “DeKalb School of the Arts” to share news, performances, and special announcements with your Facebook “family”.

DSA’s History Club is sponsoring a drive to collect slightly used or new shoes for poverty stricken regions of the world. We have a school-wide goal of 350 pairs of shoes by December 15th. Our contact person is senior Talicia Cistrunk, and we thank her for bringing this to our awareness. Please check your closets for shoes you aren’t wearing that still look nice and bring them to Room 309 at DSA. We appreciate your generosity! If you have any questions, see Talicia, Ms. Williams, or Mr.Gregory.

Soles4Souls is a global not-for-profit institution dedicated to fighting the devastating impact and perpetuation of poverty. The organization advances its anti-poverty mission by collecting new and used shoes and clothes from individuals, schools, faith-based institutions, civic organizations and corporate partners… more online and check their 4-star charity navigator rating.

Thank you,
DSA History Club

DCSD has proclaimed November 12 as “Educational Support Personnel (ESP)” Day in all our schools. ESP provide support for our students and staff “behind the scenes.” Please take a moment to say “Thank You” to our great ESP staff:

  • Mrs. Donna Howard, principal secretary and registrar
  • Ms. Denise Brisco, bookkeeper
  • Ms. Demetric Crittle, secretary
  • Ms. Veronica Clark, school nutrition manager
  • Ms. Paulette Weaver, school nutrition
  • Ms. Marie Green, school nutrition
  • Ms. Brenda Price, school nutrition
  • Mr. Robert Chandler, plant engineer
  • Ms. Sherrel Upshaw, custodian
  • Mr. Ron Turner, custodian
  • Mr. Randall Franks, campus security
  • Ms. Sherrie Gilbert, school resource officer

College Corner

For all college related information please see Dr. Crosslin’s edmodo site.