This Week at DSA, November 3, 2014

This week at DSA

Ongoing dance concert and Dark Night rehearsals.


11/10 PTSA General Meeting 7pm (Reflections Winners showcase)
11/11 13.5 Progress reports distributed
11/12 Parent/teacher/student conferences 4-6pm
11/14 Creative Writing Dark Night 8pm
11/15 Creating Writing Dark Night 2pm & 8pm
11/16 Creative Writing Dark Night 2pm
Volunteer to help with Dark Night here

Dark Night: Reservations highly encouraged. Tickets $12 Adult, $6 Student, $4 DSA Student. Make your reservation via email or phone 678-676-2552


No check outs after 2:45. Please plan accordingly.

With cooler weather, it is highly suggested that students dress in layers for the school day. HVAC conditions can vary from room to room as temperatures outside rise and fall.

With the heavy flu season approaching, be on the look out for early signs of fever, aches, nausea or sinus issues. Please keep sick children at home. Drink plenty of fluids and REST!

Thanks to all the volunteers who assisted with the SPA dance. The students had a great time!. Also, the DSA staff says “thank you” to the wonderful hospitality committee for lunch on October 31. We appreciate all that our parents do for staff and students.

Dark Night Help

Please sign-up to help with Dark Night November 14, 15 and 16. Help needed includes concessions, box office, Spirit Wear, and parking lot monitors.

Upcoming ELPC Meeting

A Parent’s Guide to the Georgia Milestones
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Henderson Middle School
2830 Henderson Mill Rd, Tucker, GA 30341
meeting starts at 9:15am (refreshments at 8:45am)

Now that the CRCT has been retired, our children will be taking the new Georgia Milestones Assessment (GMA). Did you know…?

  • The GMA is a new test and not a reinvention of the CRCT.
  • The GMA will replace the CRCT, EOCT and Writing Assessment beginning with the 2014-2015 school year.
  • The 3rd ,5th , and 8th grade Writing Assessment and the CRCT-M will no longer be administered.
  • There will be norm-referenced items on the GMA at every grade level and content area to provide a national comparison.

Thank You, Volunteers!

To all our volunteers this week who helped with the Choral Concert on Thursday and the teacher/staff lunch on Friday.

College Corner

For all college related information please see Dr. Crosslin’s edmodo site.