This Week at DSA, October 27, 2014

This week at DSA

Special Red Ribbon Week Fun!

10/27 Monday: Put Drugs to Bed – Wear PJs
10/28 Tuesday: Be Smart – Don’t Start – Dress like a nerd
10/29 Wednesday: Team Up Against Drugs Wear favorite sports team
10/30 Thursday: Cap Off Drugs – Wear a hat
10/31 Friday: Say “BOO” to Drugs – Dress code appropriate costumes (length and coverage apply, no masks and no heavy face painting)

Regular Dates
10/30 Choral Department Concert @7pm
Avondale Baptist Church, 47 Covington Hwy, Avondale Estates – donations greatly appreciated, $5 suggested
All singers will be transported to the site at 2:30 via school bus
11/1 Drama Ensemble – One Act Play State Competition
Warner Robins High School; Break a leg!
11/10 PTSA Board and General Meetings
11/12 Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences 4-6 pm


At the October ELPC meeting, participants gave input regarding what they would like to see in the next superintendent. Michael Thurmond’s contract ends on June 30, 2014. At the ELPC meeting, attendees also heard the following updates:

— The Board of Education vote on the charter system petition was delayed. Hopefully, there will be more opportunities for community feedback.
— The Druid Hills Charter Cluster petition was withdrawn. Many parents in the Druid Hills community are directing their energy towards annexation.
— The Board of Education voted to submit a new Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a superintendent search firm. That process should be complete in November, and the firm can begin searching for our next superintendent.