This week at DSA
10/25 SPA Dance 7-11 pm
Tickets $10.00 from Mr. Landes. DSA students may pay for one additional
10/30 Choral Department Concert 7 pm
Avondale Estates Baptist Church
Updates and Reminders
DSA’s front door security system has finally been installed. When students, parents, visitors, or delivery persons wish to enter the school between 8:30 and 3:15, they will need to be “buzzed in.” As a reminder, the building opens at 7am for students to enter and all students should be out of the building and off campus by 4pm if not under direct supervision of teacher.
Health: Please continue to visit the district’s website for updates on any protocols or precautions as it pertains to the Ebola or ED-V68 virus. Take a moment to consider getting your flu shots as soon as possible this year!
Latest time to check out a student is 2:45; plan accordingly.
Reflections Judges NEEDED ASAP
Professionals and Industry experienced people needed to judge DSA reflections entries — must be completed by 10/21; please volunteer here.
SPA DANCE coming soon!
Saturday, October 25
Volunteer and help make this event great!
DCSD Calendar Survey
Last chance to participate in the 2015-16 Calendar Survey is Monday, Oct 20.