Welcome and Introductions (Terry O’Toole)
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
DSA student, Francesca Clemenceau led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Old Business
Minutes from the August meeting were unanimously approved.
After some consideration and discussion, the Board of Directors recommends keeping concessions within the PTSA rather than transfer that committee to the Junior class. This decision was met with applause from the membership.
Treasurer’s Report (Emily Ayers)
Emily Ayers presented the proposed budget. The budget was unanimously approved.
Terry O’Toole indicated that results of the Enrichment Fund campaign has raised $16,500 to date which represents 49% participation of the parental body at DSA. There are 350 DSA families, and 170 donations to the fund. We are pleased to present this budget as this allows the PTSA to continue operating at the same level as past years. However, this number represents only half of the potential. Our aim is to increase donations so that the PTSA is able to do even more to support our teachers and schoolhouse operations. He encouraged those who have yet to donate to the Enrichment Fund to do so online.
New Business (Terry O’Toole)
Committee Chairs open positions include Backstage Supervision (2), Grants (1), SPA Dance (1), Spirit Nights (1). He encouraged parents to consider serving as a committee chair for one of these positions. Please contact PTSA secretary if interested.
PTSA Announcements (Carla Jackson)
Premiere Weekend is October 3 – 5 – This production provides an opportunity to see a snapshot of the touring shows at DSA. The goal of this weekend is to get exposure to people/businesses that may be interested in booking a gig with one (or more) of our touring groups.
Mr. Mastrogiaocomo talked about the National PTA Reflections contest. THEME: “The world would be a better place if…..” This contest showcases talent in all genres. Deadline for entries is October 20th. Student’s entries will be showcased at the November PTSA General meeting.
The PTSA Hospitality Committee will provide dinner this Wednesday for the staff prior to parent/teacher conference night. Parents were given the opportunity to provide food donations for this event.
Closing Remarks (Terry O’Toole)
The next PTSA General Meeting – October 20th. Parents were invited to stay for Curriculum Night immediately following PTSA Meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Lyn Brown, Secretary, DSA PTSA