This Week at DSA, April 14


4/14 Classes resume – Day One
PTSA General Meeting & Election 7 pm or online
4/16 Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences 4-6 pm
4/19 Junior/Senior Prom – by invitation only


4/22-30 8th Grade CRCT – must pass math and reading for promotion to 9th grade
4/29-5/3 Fringe Festival
5/5- 8 EOCT – count as 20% of student’s final grade (biology, physical science, 9th and 11th grade literature, US History, economics, 9th and 10th grade math)
5/5-5/15 AP Exams
5/19-20 Senior Final Exams
5/20-23 Grades 8-11 Final Exams

Congratulations & Reminders

Tardy Reminder: Students are expected to BE IN class at 8:20. Students arriving to class after 8:20 are missing valuable instruction time. Accumulated tardies will result in administrative discipline referral and consequences. Excused tardies are only granted for doctors visits with office visit verification.

Dress code reminder: leggings or tights cannot be worn in place of appropriate pants or jeans. Workout or exercise pants are not acceptable wear for regular classes. Students who are found in violation of dress code will be asked to call parents to bring appropriate clothing. They will not be able to attend class until properly attired. Also, please check length of shorts, skirts, and dresses if not worn since last fall – something that was long enough in November may not be long enough now!

Student now have access to USA Test Prep to provide additional EOCT test preparation support. Students were given the DSA access code and password before the break. You may access USA Test Prep from any computer anywhere.

AP STUDENTS: Mandatory pre-administration sessions will take place the week of April 14, during your AP class. Exam schedule & details ; contact Dr. Crosslin immediately with any questions or concerns.

Congrats to DSA: The Washington Post HS Challenge rankings are out – DSA is #179 is the country!

America’s Most Challenging High Schools ranks schools through an index formula that’s a simple ratio: the number of Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and Advanced International Certificate of Education tests given at a school each year, divided by the number of seniors who graduated that year. A ratio of 1.000 means the school had as many tests as graduates.

The index score is the number of college-level tests given at a school in the previous calendar year divided by the number of graduates that year. Also noted are the percentage of students who come from families that qualify for lunch subsidies (Subs. lunch) and the percentage of graduates who passed at least one college-level test during their high school career, called equity and excellence, (E&E). A (P) next to the school’s name denotes a private school. Complete list here.

POSSE Foundation

Dr. Crosslin is accepting electronic resumes and self-written letters of recommendation for POSSE nominations. The Posse Foundation will grant DeKalb School of the Arts ten applications this year. They are looking for JUNIORS who are leaders in the high school and in the community.

This program provides full ACADEMIC tuition to six participating colleges: , Boston University, Brandeis University, Syracuse University, The College of Wooster, and Texas A&M. If you are interested in this scholarship, check out each of these schools at their web sites and The Posse Foundation.

Once a school accepts you as a Posse member, Early Decision acceptance to that school is required and binding.

If you are interested in being nominated for POSSE email your Electronic letter of recommendation & resume to Dr. Crosslin by April 30th.

Please include the following in the email:

  • First and Last name
  • Complete Mailing Address (with city, state, zip)
  • Phone Number (home and cell phone)
  • Valid and frequently checked email address
  • Top three schools you are considering and the major you will pursue

Attach your letter of recommendation to the email. The letter of recommendation should be written as if Dr. Crosslin is writing the letter of recommendation for you to a college or scholarship.

Many volunteer opportunities at DSA

April 16th Teacher Appreciation Dinner signup:

Support DSA with Flower Power through April 25! It’s easy to order flowers online, share with friends and family via email or facebook! 50% of proceeds to to DSA!

Order your yearbook here

Volunteer hours reporting form

April General PTSA Meeting

Monday’s PTSA meeting & elections are online! If you can’t make it to DSA for the meeting (7pm, Kyle Theatre) you can join the meeting, and voting, online instead. We’ll be using Citrix’s GoToTraining and you need to register here and can use an iPad or computer with a telephone for the meeting. Details for the meeting are here.

ELPC’s: Superintendent Michael Thurmond, The State of the System, Revisited

Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Lakeside High School
3801 Briarcliff Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30345

Join us at 9:15 am (refreshments begin at 8:45 am)

ELPC Board election also held at April 16 meeting.

Upcoming BOE Election Forums

Candidates from Districts 2 – 4
Tuesday, April 22, 7 – 9pm
Tull Auditorium at Emory University School of Law
1301 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30322

Candidates from Districts 5 -7
Tuesday, April 29, 7 – 9pm
Porter Sanford Performing Arts & Community Center
3191 Rainbow Drive, Decatur, GA 30034

Forums moderated by Linda Torrence ’92, principal & CEO, Torrence Management/Communications, LLC.

Special thanks to our host sponsors DeKalb Chamber of Commerce, DeKalb Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Junior League of DeKalb County, Parents Council United and South DeKalb Improvement Alliance.

Voter registration deadline for the May 20 General Primary, Nonpartisan and Special Elections is Monday, April 21. You can register online here, or complete and mail in the form here.