4/1 | DSA School Council 4pm Junior Talent Show 7pm – $5 at the door |
4/4 | SPA Meeting 2:30 |
4/7-11 | SPRING BREAK! DSA and all DCSD schools and offices will be closed the entire week. 12 month staff will report to designated sites for professional learning on 4/7 |
4/14 | Return to school – DSA Day One PTSA Meeting 7pm – PTSA elections, submit your nominations and/or volunteer to sell spirit wear |
4/16 | Teacher appreciation dinner (volunteer opportunity) |
4/19 | PROM! By Invitation only Juniors and Seniors |
Donations of Kleenex and bottled water would be greatly appreciated. Drop off at the front office – thank you!
Governor’s Honors: Congratulations to Adam Robertson (Communicative Arts) and Nasreen Abd El (Social Studies) as Governor’s Honors Program Finalists and Laura Kelley as alternate for Drama.
Thanks to all the parent volunteers for their amazing support during the spring musical. This great show was fun for all and your participation made it even better!
The DSA PTSA is seeking nominations for Board Positions and Committee Chairs for the 2014-15 school year.
Committee Chairs work with and support the goals of the Executive Board to promote and organize DSA PTSA programs. Committee Chairs are members of the DSA PTSA Board of Directors. Most committees have co-chairs to share responsibilities.
Committee Chairs attend two or three Board of Directors Meetings each school year. These may be face to face meetings or conference calls. Committee Chairs put together a Plan of Work outlining their events. They work with the volunteer coordinators to solicit and manage the volunteers for their committee. If their committee is involved in money collection, they manage the banks for their events, and complete the required forms to turn in money to an Executive Board member.
For more information about a specific Chairperson position email the DSA PTSA Executive Board at
Send chair nominations to the Volunteer Coordinators at
Deadline to submit nominations: 4/7/2014
Budget Committee: Please nominate (yourself or someone else) to serve on the Budget Committee to help prioritize spending of the PTSA for the upcoming year.
POSSE Foundation
Dr. Crosslin is accepting electronic resumes and self written letters of recommendation for POSSE nominations. The Posse Foundation will grant DeKalb School of the Arts ten applications this year. They are looking for JUNIORS who are leaders in the high school and in the community.
This program provides full ACADEMIC tuition to six participating colleges: Bard College, Boston University, Brandeis University, Syracuse University, The College of Wooster, and Texas A&M. If you are interested in this scholarship, check out each of these schools at their web sites and The Posse Foundation.
Once a school accepts you as a Posse member, Early Decision acceptance to that school is required and binding.
If you are interested in being nominated for POSSE email your Electronic letter of recommendation & resume to Dr. Crosslin by April 30th.
Please include the following in the email:
- First and Last name
- Complete Mailing Address (with city, state, zip)
- Phone Number (home and cell phone)
- Valid and frequently checked email address
- Top three schools you are considering and the major you will pursue
Attach your letter of recommendation to the email. The letter of recommendation should be written as if Dr. Crosslin is writing the letter of recommendation for you to a college or scholarship.
Board Of Education Candidate Forums
Tuesday, April 22, 7 to 9pm: Georgia Perimeter College for Districts 2, 3, and 4
Tuesday, April 29, 7 – 9pm: Porter Sanford Performing Arts Center for Districts 5, 6, and 7
BOE forum partners: Parent Councils United, DeKalb Chamber of Commerce and Leadership DeKalb.
2013-2014 Yearbook
Order your yearbook here – Deadline April 1
You will be taking your AP Exam(s) soon. Pre-administration sessions will take place the week of April 14, during your AP class. This is mandatory in order to take an AP Exam.
Here is the exam schedule and details about the exam. Review it carefully for accuracy. If you see any discrepancies, please contact Dr. Crosslin immediately.